Port Commissioner and City Council Email Addresses

Please copy and paste from the addresses below: All: kenb@portofbellingham.com; michaels@portofbellingham.com; bobbyb@portofbellingham.com; robf@portofbellingham.com; mayorsoffice@cob.org; hestone@cob.org; jacotton@cob.org; hahuthman@cob.org; dchammill@cob.org; ehwilliams@cob.org; mlilliquist@cob.org; laanderson@cob.org; Here are some ideas on what to write. Port…

ABC Recycling – Stormwater Permit – Legal Argument for Full SEPA Review

https://bellingham.savethewaterfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ABC-Recycling-Bulk-Storage-Facility-Notice-of-Intent-for-Permit-Coverage-Comments-Save-The-Waterfront.pdf December 18, 2023 Re:          Comments on ABC Recycling Bulk Storage Facility's Notice of Intent for Permit Coverage Dear Department of Ecology Water Quality Program and to Whom It May…

A summary of the best links!

1) A flyer on the Metal Pile and Metal Shredder - https://bellingham.savethewaterfront.org/save-the-waterfront-information-flyer/2) An article published about the dangers of the Metal Shredder - https://nwcitizen.com/entry/the-hazards-of-metal-shredding-near-bellingham-cancer-pollution-and-fire 3) An article published about the dangers of the…