Why a Moratorium?

The County Council, staff, and Planning Commission have recognized a need to review the Heavy Industrial Zoning within the Bellingham Urban Growth Area. This conversation will be rushed, and possibly negated, due to the constant risk that an application could be vested under current zoning, at any time.

To have the important conversation needed to make sure that any changes are done well for the benefit of residents and industry, these zoning conversations must be had without the worry of a permanent vesting by a dangerous heavy industrial activity.

Once the Moratorium is in place, the conversations can be had to protect residents from the most dangerous activity. This would be, as the Planning Commission is reviewing, a change in the Performance Standards allowed in the Hii (Heavy Industrial), to those allowed in Lii (Light Industrial). The only change is that fumes may not extend past the property. This one important modification would not allow a broad set of activities that are the most dangerous, and can be accomplished quickly as is a modification within the zoning structure itself. It is not a zoning change which comes next.

During the Comprehensive Plan changes that are slated for 2024 and 2025, the conversation can be had that will possibly allow for industrial land to be created elsewhere in the County, so that we do not have a net loss of needed industrial land, but residents are able to stay safe, and the Alderwood UGA can be developed over the next 50 years as is planned in the County’s and City of Bellingham’s Comprehensive Plans.

First step, moratorium. Second step, changes to what is allowed within Hii in the UGA. Third step, Zoning changes to the Hii in the UGA, and add on land for new Hii in safe areas within the county.

Damage to current industry?

Would this effect current industry? NO! As we are worried that a company could become vested in current zoning, current industry would also not be effected by any one of these three steps.

What can you do?

Write to the County Council as soon as possible. Here are their email addresses:


Within that letter, tell them why you are worried about:

  • unsafe industry being so close to residents, children, and sensitive ecosystems such as the the Bellingham Bay and the Little Squalicum Estuary.
  • Future land for safe housing due to the established plans of the Alderwood Urban Growth Area.
  • The neighborhood is already effected greatly by industry due to the cement plant, Bell Pole chemicals, and the Airport. Its an Environmental Justice issue.