Word Document – https://bellingham.savethewaterfront.org/shared-files/2512/?ABC-StormwaterPermit-LetterDOE-POB-review1V2.docx
Copy and paste these emails:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] [Please remember to sign your name below at the [Name] _________________________ Dear Department of Ecology and the Port of Bellingham, As a very concerned resident of Bellingham I am writing to urgently request a complete State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) review of the Stormwater application for activities at the ABC Recycling Bulk Storage Facility (ARBSF), 735 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham. A full SEPA review and new Environmental Impact Statement is required for the activity because:
- Of a Significant Process change, due to the addition of a new industrial activity, NAICS code 423930 (“RECYCLABLE MATERIAL MERCHANT WHOLESALERS”).
- This new industrial activity was not anticipated and is unreviewed by any prior Environmental Impact Statement.
- The activity is Heavy Industrial per the definition by the existing Waterfront EIS and by Bellingham Municipal Code, which was not anticipated by any previous EIS nor the Waterfront Sub-area Plan.
- Due to the unpermitted activity, prior to a Stormwater permit being issued (ISGP S2(A)(1)(b)(i)), that activity cannot be used as ‘existing discharges’ under RCW 43.21C.0383(1), for exemption from SEPA for the current Stormwater Permit application at the ARBSF.
- If an EIS is not completed for the Stormwater Permit application, the risk to the community and the local environment is extremely high, as the activity is Heavy Industrial in a light/marine industrial location. The ARBSF has been operating for 18 months without environmental review or the required Stormwater permitting.
- The Port and the DOE each have the obligation under Washington law to provide the community with this safeguard.
Letters are due by December 22!
This is not a viable issue with our bay. Georgia Pacific has damaged the bay for decades. Now a metal facility is loading mountains of old metal to on a peninsula in our bay to continue the damage! This is not ok. People live all around this bay in a growing community. I moved here with 20k living here. Now 120K + and increasing live here. Please stop this company from damaging our well-being and lives.