No Bad Stuff

With ABC Recycling’s Metal Shredder and Metal Pile in the rear view mirror, the work is not complete. 3 areas of land in the Alderwood neighborhood are still zoned Heavy Industrial or Hii.
Another Metal Shredder type application could be submitted today. They would be vested for an activity that would bring ‘bad stuff’ to the neighborhood and City, and we would have little recourse. We may not be as lucky next time, as we were with ABC.
Also, the same rules that allowed the Metal Pile at the Waterfront are still in place. A dangerous and polluting activity such as ABC’s metal pile could be allowed, and once again the community may not have any recourse.
That is, unless a watchdog group is there to help make changes and stop dangerous industry in residential areas.
Save The Waterfront is dedicated now more than ever. At the two designated locations, Alderwood (West Municipal Urban Growth Area), and the Waterfront, we will work to rezone and create City and County rules that will keep out Bad Stuff in our residential areas where there is no safety buffer. This fight will not be so time sensitive as the fight we brought to ABC, but will be an important but long process.
Our Core group will be there along the way, and we hope you’ll join us when you can. Over 3000 residents joined our movement to stop ABC, and many of you donated considerable funds. With our dedicated group of volunteers, and this war chest, we will have the expertise, knowledge, funds and community involvement to make the needed changes in Alderwood and at the Waterfront.