Port Commissioner and City Council Email Addresses

Please copy and paste from the addresses below: All: kenb@portofbellingham.com; michaels@portofbellingham.com; bobbyb@portofbellingham.com; robf@portofbellingham.com; mayorsoffice@cob.org; hestone@cob.org; jacotton@cob.org; hahuthman@cob.org; dchammill@cob.org; ehwilliams@cob.org; mlilliquist@cob.org; laanderson@cob.org; Here are some ideas on what to write. Port…

Performance Standards

Light Industrial 20.66.700 Performance standards.20.66.701 Pollution control and nuisance abatement.Each industry is required to continuously employ the best pollution control and nuisance abatement technology when reasonable and practicably available for each particular…