Do you see anything wrong in this picture?

If you’ve ever kayaked in the Bellingham Bay, and began your adventure up and to the right on the map, you know what we’re talking about. The trip home was probably pretty tough. That is because the weather in our area comes from the south west and flows to the north east.
When a Sampling Analysis Plan is developed for an air testing site, you would expect for testing samples to be done downwind of a test site. As you can see in this picture, strangely the area specifically historically downwind of the metal pile dust plumes is void of testing locations.
See the entire test here. We believe it is inconclusive, and dangerous as creates a sense of safety for the residents.
With what has been found in South Seattle’s neighborhoods, anyone within 1/2 mile to a mile of the Metal Pile at the Bellingham Waterfront should be deeply concerned about heavy metals in their air. Read the article here>>>
I live in the direct air flow off the bay and 2 blocks away from the preposed Metal shredding plant. the noise and air polution will be unberable. the shredder should not be allowed in a residential neighborhood.