Our theory of ABC’s genius in manipulation of words is on full display. In a recent Cascadia Daily article, ABC lobbyist Riley Sweeney found a way to make the horrible look good.
STWF coined ‘the law of omission and assumption’ regarding ABC Recycling about a year ago, as things they said couldn’t be proven as a lie, but were also not true. Good hearted Bellingham residents took them at their word and filled in what they hoped was true. As a sum, this misinformation and disinformation has stalled the community from coming together and rightfully stopping ABC from continuing to damage our local environment and our economy.
This time? Lets look at the quote in the paper.
“The exceedances have gone down from the first ship to the latest ship,”. Maybe I am more naïve than you, but I took this as to mean all of the ships have gotten better, each one in sequence. What Riley actually said is that the last ship was better than the first, and did not actually say anything about those in the middle.
As an organization, we believe that this word smithing continues to be paternistically intentional to deceive the community.
The facts? The middle ships were 16x Copper), 18x (solids), 7x (lead!), 16x (Zinc) and 33x (Turbidity) higher than the benchmarks (allowable levels) set by the Department of Ecology.
What did these levels get the Port of Bellingham (the stormwater permit holder)? A level 3 Corrective Action from the Department of Ecology which the Port, nor the Bay can afford to have, as the Port continues to try put a good face forward to the community, as an environmentally focused organization. So far, the facts on the ground are not good for ABC Recycling nor the Port of Bellingham.