As the Shredder moves through Permitting, the Hearing Examiner and all environmental requirements, our legal fund will be spent on our Environmental Land Use attorneys to stop the Shredder at every step along the way.
See FAQ below for tax deductible information
Donate in any number of ways and amounts
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q) Can you accept tax deductible donations?
A) Yes. We are a 501(c)(3), and can accept tax deductible donations and donations from Donor Advised Funds.
Any amount of $250 and above will be sent a tax deductible receipt.
Our address is PO Box 5122, Bellingham, WA 98227. Our EIN number is 99-0658236
Q) Who is overseeing and controlling the money?
A) Our co-founder, Scott Jones, is overseeing the deposits and spending of funds. Two other, independent members of the organization have been chosen by the group to review those deposits for 100% transparency. Payments are also reviewed weekly.
Q) Will the donations be used for any other purpose than for the attorneys?
A) Yes. If at any time, the attorney deems it necessary to pay an expert on subjects such as Ecology, biology, etc, the funds will be used for these costs also. Always with a focus to use volunteers first, but without risking an error that could hurt our cause.